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The Baby In Yellow Horror Game Online Play

The job of a nanny is difficult, but it becomes almost impossible and unbearable if the child with whom one has to babysit is not a human, but a little devil. Literally. The events of the game unfold on an ordinary evening when you are asked to babysit while your parents are away for a few days. At first, he seems like an ordinary baby, loving milk from a bottle, pooping, and playing with toys. But gradually he turns into a real devil who moves objects around the house, teleports, and scares you. This is hard to bear, so you decide to run away from the apartment. You run into the elevator and push the button, but it suddenly breaks. Now you have to find other ways to get out of the house. You don’t want to go back to the apartment, so you start looking. In the game, you have to look for the white rabbit symbol that appears on the door where you have to enter.

Not every door you can use – some of them are closed by the child himself, using magic. Chains and locks appear on the doors, which can only be opened with certain keys. There are a lot of them in the game and they are scattered all over the locations, so it will be hard to find them. The child will also leave you other clues, such as scraps of drawings or inscriptions. Once you collect the drawing, you’ll find a secret location with mysterious signs scrawled on the wall. They will appear more and more often in the game, which will denote a change in the child’s emotions. He will become angrier and more dangerous. Gradually, the game will get darker and darker. Although you do what the child demands of you, he will gradually go crazy and acquire devilish traits. The atmosphere in the game will become increasingly dark and dangerous, with more and more threatening writings appearing on the walls. They will tell you that there is no way out and you are now trapped here. You’ll have to play faster and faster to escape before the devil child catches you. He will also summon hell creatures to catch you and keep you from escaping. The game will gradually resemble some kind of infernal circus with phantasmagoria elements, from which it is very difficult to escape.

If you liked this game and want to play a similar one, you can check the list of horror games on our site. They are all about monsters and mysterious creatures, although different in mechanics and plot – this will allow everyone to find a game to their liking. We have both funny games and exciting adventures.

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